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• The Bible is the inspired Word of God, that we rely on to guide us in life as it is God’s revelation to us.

• There is only one God, who manifests himself in three persons and that is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

• Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh, who was born without sin and will one day set up His kingdom here on earth.

• Jesus died on the cross, but conquered death and rose again and ascended into heaven.

• Salvation is received through our faith and belief in Jesus and that he died for all our sins and accepting Him as Lord and Saviour in our lives. It is not gained through human performance or merit.

• We all have to stand before God one day and give an account of the life we have lived.

• Eternal life is given to all those who belief in Jesus and live their lives in accordance to His holy will.

• Worship is more than just good music. It is a time to be drawn into the mighty presence of God and allow Him to reveal more of himself to us. It a time for us to flow with the heartbeat of God.

• There is power when we stand upon the Word of God. We are able to experience miracles, signs and wonders.

• God has a destiny for all our lives, a purpose why we were created and we are called to walk that path.

Woman with Bible
Christian Booklet


Our entire mission is defined in our tagline Teaching Leaders, Preaching Christ, Reaching Nations. The core purpose and calling of our ministry is to train and equip pastors and leaders in third world countries. We can only do so much if we were to travel from village to village and equip people. Those at ground zero can do so much more if they are fully equipped. So that is what we do. We step into a nation, gather the pastors in one designated place and teach them how to grow their churches and reach the unreached. Our passion as teachers is also to train upcoming missionaries, pastors and leaders in Bible Schools to be able to serve well in ministry. Our call also includes stepping into places that consist of Unreached People Groups (UPG) and win them over for Christ. Close to 3 billion people live in difficult to reach places and they have yet to hear the name of Jesus. Our calling is to go to such places and bring transformation.

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